Category Archives: R & D

Energy Weapons & Ballistics Tests


    The animal kingdom is full of examples of creatures that are physically superior to human beings in every way. The general argument as to why humankind is still the ruling species on Earth, is our far higher intelligence quotient (IQ). But there is 1 physical attribute in which human beings beat animals & birds hands-down: the ability to throw things faster & farther than any other living thing in the world. In the millennia since throwing things at chosen targets became everything from a way to understand natural phenomena to an act of war, ballistics has been a driving force in numerous fields ranging from sports events to space exploration.
    Ballistics, as an area of study, consists of 1 main field & 4 sub-fields, the definitions of which are as follows (courtesy The Free Dictionary
“The study of the flight dynamics of projectiles, either through the interaction of the forces of propulsion, the aerodynamics of the projectile, atmospheric resistance, and gravity (exterior ballistics), or through these forces along with the means of propulsion, and the design of the propelling weapon and projectile (interior ballistics).”
    Internal Ballistics:-
“Internal ballistics, a sub-field of ballistics, is the study of a projectile’s motion from the time its propellant’s igniter is initiated until it exits the gun barrel. The study of internal ballistics is important to designers and users of firearms of all types, from small-bore Olympic rifles and pistols, to high-tech artillery.”
    Transitional Ballistics:-
“Transitional ballistics, also known as intermediate ballistics, is the study of a projectile’s behavior from the time it leaves the muzzle until the pressure behind the projectile is equalized, so it lies between internal ballistics and external ballistics.”
    External Ballistics:-
“External ballistics is the part of the science of ballistics that deals with the behaviour of a non-powered projectile in flight. External ballistics is frequently associated with firearms, and deals with the behaviour of the bullet after it exits the barrel and before it hits the target, so it lies between transitional ballistics and terminal ballistics.”
    Terminal Ballistics:-
“Terminal ballistics, a sub-field of ballistics, is the study of the behavior of a projectile when it hits its target. It is often referred to as stopping power when dealing with human or other living targets. Terminal ballistics is relevant both for small calibre projectiles as well as for large calibre projectiles (fired from artillery). The study of extremely high velocity impacts is still very new and is as yet mostly applied to spacecraft design.”


    Forensic ballistics (i.e. ballistics information that is considered acceptable legal evidence) is the most well-known application of ballistics; because the greatest demand for ballistics knowledge is in the misuse of different forms of weaponry. While some criminals are still careless enough to actually leave bullets (or bomb casings, etc.) at the scene of a crime, the majority are clever enough to clear away the physical evidence of their crime before the authorities arrive. Therefore, detectives & investigators are compelled to look for the changes that the use of any given weapon has left on the victim or (more popularly) on the surrounding environment. These range from powder burns on the victim to chemical residues on the surfaces in the immediate vicinity. The environmental clues are not necessarily identified immediately; sometimes they can be identified & studied after a period of time. A couple of illustrations are as follows:

Trinitrotoluene (TNT)

    TNT is a chemical that has applications as a chemical reagent, but its most popular use is as a conveniently-handled explosive material. According to studies recently conducted by the United Kingdom, it has been confirmed that plants tend to absorb TNT & retain it, even years after it has been removed from the surfaces of the location where it has been used. Therefore, if TNT were illegally utilized anywhere, the crime can be caught, as long as the plants that were growing there are either still there, or can be obtained if they have been removed.


    Ever since World War II, the use of nuclear weapons has been severely frowned upon. But wrong doesn’t mean rare. Therefore, it is very important to be able to identify clues that would indicate whether a specific bomb contained nuclear material or not. This depends on the half-life of the specific nuclear element used. Speaking of World War II, the bomb dropped on Hiroshima contained Uranium-235 (which has a half-life of 700,000,000 years) & that dropped on Nagasaki contained Plutonium-239 (which has a half-life of 24,000 years).


    But the afore-mentioned methods are no longer enough; they do address the requirements of some criminal investigations, but the invention & mass-marketing of new weapons means that the legal definition of a crime scene needs to be expanded & the field of crime scene investigation needs to be updated. There are 2 weapon categories in particular that have become a serious menace to peace & harmony during the last 10 to 15 years (depending on the nation in question): sonic & laser weapons.

Sonic Weapons & Particulate Matter

    Given below is the official United States Environmental Protection Agency definition of “Particulate Matter”:-
“Particulate matter,” also known as particle pollution or PM, is a complex mixture of extremely small particles and liquid droplets. Particle pollution is made up of a number of components, including acids (such as nitrates and sulphates), organic chemicals, metals, and soil or dust particles.”
    What happens when you vigorously shake a woolly sweater? If you do it long enough, you will eventually notice that the soft fuzz that makes the sweater extra thick & warm, is beginning to come off. Sonic weapons cause vibrations in the atmosphere; where ordinary sources of particulate matter pollution take years to create high levels of PM, sonic weapons will only take days. Reducing or eradicating PM pollution takes at least months (if not years). So, if a sonic weapon has been used even once during the last few weeks or months, a check on the PM levels in the environment will show it easily.

Lasers & Ozone

    Given below is the definition of “Ozone” (courtesy The Free Dictionary
“An unstable, poisonous allotrope of oxygen, O3, that is formed naturally in the ozone layer from atmospheric oxygen by electric discharge or exposure to ultraviolet radiation, also produced in the lower atmosphere by the photochemical reaction of certain pollutants. It is a highly reactive oxidizing agent used to deodorize air, purify water, and treat industrial wastes.”
    Rising ozone concentrations in the lower atmosphere have attracted notice recently primarily because the locations in which this environmental threat has been detected do not face excessive exposure to the pollutants that have a detrimental effect on atmospheric ozone levels. A laser is a concentrated beam of electromagnetic radiation (including UV radiation). A little-known fact about laser is that its use (both past & present) can be deduced by a sudden surge in ozone levels in the immediate vicinity.


    A few weeks ago, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon was reported to have expressed concern over the slow pace of the preparations for the Paris Climate Conference. This proved with even greater clarity, how invested he is in a successful negotiation process. That is a very good sign because it raises the likelihood of the UN, UNEP & WHO giving due importance to the afore-mentioned developments during the talks.
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Posted by on October 9, 2015 in R & D


The Right To Eat

21st Century Healthcare

    The world has changed in many ways over the last decade. International Law, especially the section on Human Rights, has become an issue of importance for everyone from the prince to the pauper. Established brands have been replaced by entirely new names. Markets have risen & fallen. Technology has made leaps & bounds in the process of becoming part of life in the Developing World. But the sector in which the greatest changes have occurred is the healthcare sector.
    At the turn of the Century, it was an established fact that every single form of physical discomfort could be linked to some identifiable disease. Until the early 2000s, medical research actually meant making an effort to further understand how to cure disease & make life better. If ever there was a complaint that could not be explained, medical malpractice lawsuits & medical journal articles were quick to follow.
    Now, the ordinary media is buzzing with stories of everything from headaches to heart attacks in perfectly healthy, young people. The various national health authorities have absolutely nothing to say about it. Medical “research” is either a repetition of what has already been discovered (old wine in new bottles), or a series of lame justifications designed to convince people that their problems are “all in their minds”. Indeed it is rumored that if any individual sufferer refuses to be ignored, the national health authorities discretely recommend that the hospital personnel should create a “psychiatric health file” on him or her. Because nothing is as effective as a question mark on a sane person’s mental health, as a message to walk away & never mention the existence of the problem again.
    The result is that disease patterns are apparently changing, medical statistics are being tainted & drug efficacy studies are getting more (or less) credence than they deserve. All because of the steady & unrelenting refusal to call a spade a spade. It is a sad time for the healthcare sector.

Undernutrition Versus Malnutrition: Definitions

    UNDERNUTRITION is the outcome of insufficient food intake, caused by repeated exposure to factors that prevent the subject from ingesting, absorbing or retaining the nutrients.
    MALNUTRITION is caused by not having regular & stable access to food of the right varieties & in the right quantities to satisfy the subject’s daily nutritional requirements.
    In effect, the difference between undernutrition & malnutrition is that undernutrition is the situation of having access to the right food, but not being able to eat it (or keep it down); & malnutrition is the situation of simply not having the right food to eat.
    Until a decade ago, malnutrition was the main scourge to contend with.The problem in the food & health sectors was that a large percentage of the global population was too poor to buy sufficient nutritious food to maintain their physical health & well being. The general idea was that, if the food were there, people would eat. And for centuries, that principle has held true.
    But during the last 10 years or so, a new menace has reared its ugly head, especially in Developing World nations like Pakistan. Middle-class people who have the money to afford a decent diet, can’t eat properly. Even strong, young adults, who have eaten the same dishes all their childhood, suddenly can’t manage any more, because they are either plagued with nausea so severe that they are afraid of violently vomiting out whatever they have eaten, getting an attack of diarrhea or suddenly feeling some other inexplicable physical problem. Equally strange is the fact that the condition seems to affect the general population most of all when they try to consume their recommended daily requirement of meat protein.

Allopathy Versus Homeopathy: Definitions

    ALLOPATHY is the treatment of disease with drugs having effects opposite to the symptoms.
    HOMEOPATHY is a system in which ailments are treated with small doses of natural substances that, in larger amounts, would produce symptoms of the ailment.
    This means (for the purposes of this discussion) that allopathic medicine is the right choice if there really is something wrong with the functions of the body; & homeopathic medicine is likely to be more effective in issues of foul play. Because, as basic toxicology teaches us, the best way to protect a subject against the risk of being poisoned is to “immunize” him or her to the effects by exposure in small doses to that specific poison.
    No wonder that allopathic medicine, which has ruled the healthcare market ever since Nostradamus introduced its principles to the world nearly 500 years ago, has been on a steady decline in popularity since the last 10 to 15 years. Anyone who disagrees need only look at the stock charts for Big Pharma companies like Pfizer, Sanofi, Merck & Co. & Eli Lilly, all of which were highly sought after stocks in the early 2000s & have been unstable & shaky ever since. All these companies represent the superior efficacy of allopathic medicine as compared to homeopathic treatments. What has happened that their stock prices, which are an indicator of consumer faith in their products, have declined?
    At the same time, the homeopathy business has never been better. Even the humblest clinic located in the smallest alley in the poorest slum in Pakistan has more patients than the clinic staff can handle, a sight that was hardly ever witnessed as recently as the 90s, because faith in allopathy was so strong.
    It is for this reason that the majority of financial analysts & economic consultants are confident that China’s recently-announced plan to target the global healthcare market with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) products, will be a good investment for both individual & institutional investors.

The Blue Bell Creameries Debacle

    As if the very idea that even a single batch of contaminated edibles had found its way on to the market were not enough, it turns out that Blue Bell has been producing contaminated food products since years. To make things worse, it has even been exporting its stuff to every part of the world & even to the International Space Station. But this is not just about Blue Bell Creameries or Texas-headquartered businesses. This is an eye-opener to the potentially-catastrophic damage that lack of oversight & supervision can lead to in even the most reliable of companies.
    It also means that the quest to correctly identify the scourge in the healthcare sector has become even more complicated.

World Health Organization (WHO) & Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) Involvement

    But Adam Smith’s “Invisible Hand” is not going to be sufficient to properly address this growing threat to the health of the human species. The recent Ebola outbreak in Africa & the horrific 300 cases of Acute Flaccid Paralysis reported by Pakistan show clearly that many national-level health authorities are ill-equipped to deal with their problems unassisted & unsupervised.
    The World Health Organization & The Food & Agriculture Organization are both engaged in laudable efforts to improve the quality of life of the average human being. That is a good thing because the survival of the human race depends to a great extent on their efforts. But unless they create some kind of an alert system that underlines the link between cause & effect, the long-term value of their work will be severely diminished.
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Posted by on June 1, 2015 in R & D